یکشنبه، شهریور ۱۰، ۱۳۸۷

باز هم شهر اسلامی

تبديل زمين‌های مستطيل‌شكل به مربع گامی برای رسيدن به فيزيك شهر اسلامی است!!

گروه هنر: از آنجا كه حياط در معماری قديم مسلمانان مفهومی متعالی بوده، تبديل قطعه‌زمين‌های مستطيل‌شكل به مربع‌شكل، گامی برای رسيدن به شهر اسلامی خواهد بود چرا كه اگر زمين مربع باشد می‌توان حياط مركزی برای آن در نظر گرفته و اطراف حياط ديگر قسمت‌های ساختمان را تعبيه كرد.

«حميد برومند‌صالح» معمار و شهرساز در گفت‌وگو با خبرگزاری قرآنی ايران(ايكنا) با تاييد مطلب فوق گفت: اصطلاح «معماری اسلامی» غلط مصطلح است و بهتر است گفته شود معماری مسلمين.

وی افزود: وجه تمايز معماری مسلمين با ديگر معماری‌ها اعتقادات دينی و مذهبی است كه موجب می‌شود معماری و يا ساخته‌های دست متدينين رنگ و بوی آن دين را به خود بگيرد. مثلاً بودايی‌ها اعتقاد دارند مجسمه بودا را ساخته و به آن كرنش كنند در حالی كه در بين مسلمانان مجسمه‌سازی حرمت دارد حتی بر روی هنرهايی چون نقاشی و نگارگری هم فقها مناقشه كرده‌اند و بر اين نظرند كه اگر قرار است تصويری كشيده شود بايد به صورت كامل تصوير نشود. اين امر وجه تمايز هنر مسلمين از ديگر هنرهاست.
پی نوشت
چند نمونه از حیاطهای مربع شکل خانه های ایرانی (خانه بروجردیها و عباسیان در کاشان) !

مطالب در کل درست اند اما نمی دانم چرا چنین تیتری باید برای این گزارش انتخاب شود.

مسجد امام صادق (ع) در میدان فلسطین از آثار حمید برومند صالح

چهارشنبه، شهریور ۰۶، ۱۳۸۷

Gadjo Dilo- کلیپ هفته -غریبه دیوانه


این کلیپ به دو دلیل برایم جالب است. یکی اینکه نشان می دهد چقدر شباهت های فرهنگی می توانند مرزهای فیزیکی را در نوردند و آنچه مثلا زمزمه شاعران ایران زمین بوده است در زندگی این کولیهای رومانیایی بروز یابد.
زخاك من اگر گندم برآيد
از آن گر نان ‌پزي مستي فزايد
خمير و نانبا ديوانه گردد
تنورش بيت مستانه سرايد
اگر بر گور من آيي زيارت
تو را خرپشته‌ام رقصان نمايد
ميا بي ‌دف به گور من برادر
كه در بزم خدا غمگين نشايد

چون درگذرم به باده شوييد مرا،
تلقين ز شراب ناب گوييد مرا،
خواهيد به روز حشر يابييد مرا؟
از خاک در ميکده جوييد مرا.

دومین موضوع که باید با تفصیل بیشترودر پستی جداگانه به آن پرداخته شود مفهومی است به نام Authenticity

که مترادف فارسی اش ( اعتبار، سنديت ، صحت) شاید به رسایی خود این واژه نباشد. در ویکیپدیا این واژه چنین توصیف شده است

Authenticity is a technical term in existentialist philosophy, and is also used in the philosophy of art and psychology. In philosophy, the conscious self is seen as coming to terms with being in a material world and with encountering external forces, pressures and influences which are very different from, and other than, itself. Authenticity is the degree to which one is true to one's own personality, spirit, or character, despite these pressures

ارتباط این مفهوم با معماری و طراحی شهری را در پست دیگری بررسی خواهیم کرد اما با دیدن این کلیپ به نظر شما کولی ها زندگی آوتنتیک تری دارند یا ما شهرنشینان که هر روز باید هزاران ماسک و نقاب شهری را به چهره بزنیم تا زندگی روزمره مان را به شب برسانیم.

شنبه، شهریور ۰۲، ۱۳۸۷

چند بورس دکتری در ایتالیا

Coordinator: Prof. Alessandro Balducci

The PhD Program in Spatial Planning and Urban Development is addressed to foreign and Italian students and is fully taught in English.
The program is focused upon research, and is intended to educate planners able to establish a dialogue with the experiences of the best European and International PhD programs in planning, urban policies and design, urban studies.
The approach of the PhD Program in Spatial Planning and Urban Development is inter-disciplinary and it is based upon the specific approach of Polytechnic to design and territorial analysis.

The organisation of the PhD program is based upon some introductory courses, regarding methodological aspects and core themes, and some design international workshops. Some courses are also offered to the other PhD program in Planning in the same Department. The new PhD Program will take advantage of the close cooperation within the same Department with two other PhD programmes in Architectural and Urban Design and in Preservation of the Architectural Heritage.
The courses and workshops are focused on three main themes:

  • cities in globalisation
    The processes of radical transformation of contemporary cities will be explored through a comparative approach, and with a specific attention to new global developing cities and to European cities. The main issues addressed will be the social, economic and territorial transformations that have been taking place in cities in the last two decades as a consequence of globalisation processes; the governance problems in the evolving cities; the economic and technological change they are experiencing.

  • planning theory
    Different planning fields will be explored, through a critical and comparative approach. The main issues addressed will be: paradigms, traditions and innovation in planning theory; spatial and land use planning, and the relationship with citizenship and justice; comparative studies about planning systems; relationship between planning theory and practice; visioning and strategic dimensions in planning, policies and projects.

  • urban and territorial policies
    Sector policies, and their relationship with the problems of governance and government will be analysed using a comparative approach. Some of the policies analysed will be: welfare and cohesion, land use, mobility and infrastructures, environmental quality, housing.
The program has a strong international orientation and is aimed at meeting the demand for researchers skilled in analytical approaches to urban problems, as well as in planning, management and implementation, of urban policies.

Doctors with such profile could be employed by Italian and International academic institutions, public bodies and research centres.
Cooperation agreements will be activated with foreign Universities, research centres and institutions, using networks already existing between Architecture and Planning Department and other academic and non academic institutions. Agreements for the organisation of International Workshop, students exchange and research projects will be managed.


Coordinator: Prof. Fausto Curti

The Ph.D degree is aimed to prepare researchers and skilled professionals in the field of territorial governance and planning, urban development and management, projects design and evaluation for public administrations and the private sector, research centres, and universities.
The formative program assumes that many planners are involved with development not only from a regulatory position, but also proposing and managing actual projects at different scales. Emphasis in this course is placed on the improvement of the cultural understanding and the technical toolbox for a pro-active planning process able to interpret and master the economical, social, and jurisdictional dimensions of territorial projects and policies for a sustainable built environment. Comparative assessment of best practices and explorative design – at territorial, urban, and local scale – are the tools used to pursue more effective planning methods and techniques.

Students will be required to develop a research project among the following research streams:

  • Spatial plan formats and tools;
  • Role of the project in leading territorial change;
  • Evaluation and management of urban projects and policies;
  • Descriptions/interpretations of cities and territories;
  • Decisions and governance;
  • Nature and soil;
The doctoral candidates will be asked to reflect upon the traditions of planning and urban design within the Italian context, and the actual actions for mastering territorial change also exploiting international best practice comparisons. The latter will be achieved through the organization of international seminars and through an internship in international research centres, universities, and public administrations. The central importance assigned to the doctoral thesis determines the attribution of a significant quota of formative credits to the activities finalized to conceive and write the dissertation along all the three years, as well to the training on specific themes related to the final doctoral dissertation by an active partecipation to applied researches and workshops.
